Eagle Scout Recognition Ceremony Honors Three | Parsippany Focus

2022-06-25 05:48:36 By : Mr. wade wu

PARSIPPANY — The honor and distinction of the Eagle Scout rank can only be achieved through hard work and commitment to the ideals of the Scouting movement. The achievement is so rare, that only 5% of Scouts earn the Eagle rank. Since its introduction in 1911, the Eagle Scout rank has been earned by more than two million Scouts.

Once a Scout advances to Eagle Scout, they will remain an Eagle for the rest of their life regardless of age or participation in Scouting. Eagle Scouts are expected to set an example for other Scouts and to become the leaders in life that they have demonstrated themselves to be in Scouting. As such, they have disproportionately represented in the military, service academy graduates, higher education and academia, major professions, the clergy, business, and politics.

The pathway to Eagle can be described as a steep trail leading up to three peaks, the highest being that of Eagle Scout. Officially, the trail starts with the Tenderfoot rank and continues through Second and First Class ranks. Then, mountain climbing begins. The path is marked by merit badges, leadership responsibilities, service projects, and the practice of Scouting skills and ideals. The first peak reached is that of Star Scout, the second is Life Scout, and, finally, Eagle Scout.

On Sunday, June 12, Parsippany welcomed three Scouts who advanced to Eagle, Tyler Catapano, Andrew Modin, and Matthew Rankel.

Committee Chair Bruce Benson welcomed the guests to The Eagle Court of Honor. Opening remarks were presented by Senior Patrol Leader Nick Shatynski along with the Flag Salute, the Scout Oath. Special Community Presentations was presented by Assistant Senior Patrol Leader Jonah Lance. Advancement Chair Jaime Ackerman certified the Eagle Candidates.

The Eagle Badge presentation was presented to Tyler Catapano, Andrew Modin, and Matthew Rankel by Tom Stearns.

The Eagle Charge was presented by Past Scoutmaster Les Wu, and the Scoutmasters Benediction by Dave Franz.

Matthew started his journey through Scouting in Pack 142. He moved up to Troop 173 after receiving the Arrow of Light award. Matthew attended the National Jamboree in 2017, participating in BMX, mountain biking, and patch trading activities. He also attended Philmont this past summer, which was a 54-mile backpacking trek. He also attended many Troop 173 Big Trips such as Philadelphia, Rhode Island, and Washington D.C.

Matthew took his first position as an Instructor, teaching younger Scouts the skills they would need while camping. As Patrol Leader, he led a small group of Scouts; eventually becoming an Assistant Senior Patrol Leader, where he helped lead the entire troop. To improve his leadership skills, Matthew attended National Youth Leadership Training (NYL T) in 2018. He also returned to staff the program for two years. He has received the National Outdoor Award for camping, accumulating over 120 nights camping, and he has also received the Patriots Path Council Silver Community Service Award.

For Matthew’s Eagle Project, he led a restoration of the Glacier Hills Monument located on Route 10. This included painting the structure, repainting the letters on its side, repairing the retaining wall, and installing a traffic bollard to prevent damage to that wall. Matthew was led to a successful project by his Eagle Coach Tom Stearns.

Matthew is now a Senior at the Academy for Biotechnology at Mountain Lakes High School and plans on studying business at Clemson University.

Matthew is a Mountain Lakes Lacrosse team member that won the County and State Championships this year. He was also involved in the National Honor Society, the World Language Society, and the DECA Competitive Business Club. Matthew was a founding member of DECA at Mountain Lakes High School and held several key leadership positions including the Vice President of Career Development, the Vice President of Leadership, and President in his senior year. He received many regional awards, placed third in the NJ State Competition, and was a four-time National Qualifier. Overall, in Scouting, Matthew has learned to love nature through his many trips and adventures with his friends. He also enjoys camping, hiking, backpacking, sports, and skiing. Boy Scouts has taught Matthew a lot about himself and what he is able to accomplish with focus, drive, determination, and support from his friends and family. Matthew has earned 22 merit badges:

American Cultures Electricity, Camping*, Canoeing, Citizenship In Community*, Citizenship In The Nation*, Citizenship In World*, Communication*, Cooking*, Environmental Science*, Family Life*, Fingerprinting, First Aid*, Disabilities Awareness, Lifesaving*, Personal Fitness*, Personal Management*, Rifle Shooting, Metalwork, Swimming*, Wood Carving, and Shotgun Shooting.

Andrew began his Scouting journey in Cub Scout Pack 5 where he earned the Arrow of Light award and crossed over to Troop 173 in Parsippany. He advanced and grew in his Scouting career under the guidance of Scoutmasters Les Wu, Mike Catapano, and David Franz. Andrew has attempted to give back to Scouting through his various leadership positions including Senior Patrol Leader, Patrol Leader, Assistant Patrol Leader, Troop Guide, OA Representative, and Den Chief.

Andrew has been active in many of the Troop 173 trips through his attendance in multiple Big Trips to places like Washington D.C. and Rhode Island; the 2017 National Jamboree; and two separate Philmont treks in New Mexico. Andrew also participated in National Youth Leadership Training (NYLT) in August of 2017 and is currently serving his fifth year on the NYL T staff as a Senior Patrol Leader of a June/July Troop. In addition, Andrew has accumulated 170 total camping nights; 285.5 total service hours; received four Gold and one Silver Camping National Outdoor Award; two 50 Miler awards; and the Den Chief Service Award. He has also earned the Patriots Path Council Gold Community Service Award.

For Andrew’s Eagle Scout project, he led several of his friends and fellow Scouts in the construction of a Rest Area at the Historical Parsippany Rock House under the mentorship of his Eagle Coach, Bob Moravsik. In this project, he cleared overgrowth and constructed a robust gravel area with benches and a table to allow anyone a place to admire the structure before enjoying the nearby hiking trails.

Andrew is currently a Senior at the Academy for Biotechnology in Mountain Lakes High School with ambitions to study chemical engineering in college. In school, he is involved with the track and field and cross-country teams while taking part in clubs like Key Club, National Honor Society, and DECA for which he earned three National Qualifications in Principles of Marketing, Food Marketing, and the Entrepreneurship Business Challenge. in Scouting, Andrew has learned to love the outdoors alongside friends through hiking, camping, and fishing with hopes to remain involved in the Scouting program in the future.

Andrew has earned 21 merit badges: American Cultures, Basketry, Camping*, Canoeing, Citizenship In Community*, Citizenship In Nation*, Citizenship In World*, Communication*, Cooking*, Environmental Science*, Family Life*, Fingerprinting, First Aid*, Leatherwork, Lifesaving*, Personal Fitness*, Personal Management*, Rifle Shooting, Small Boat Sailing, Swimming* and Wood Carving.

Tyler began his Scouting experience in Cub Scout Pack 142, earning the Arrow of Light award. He joined Troop 173 in fifth grade and quickly advanced through the first few ranks with the help of Senior Patrol Leaders Rishi Konkesa and David Albin. He worked his way up the ranks starting as an Assistant Patrol Leader, soon after became a Patrol Leader, then Assistant Senior Patrol Leader, and led the Troop as the Senior Patrol Leader.

Over the years Tyler has been very active with Troop 173 attending Big Trips to Philadelphia, Rhode Island & Washington D.C., attending National Youth Leadership Training (NYL T), was a summer camp Senior Patrol Leader, and completed his ordeal to become a member of the Order of Arrow. In 2017, Tyler attended the BSA National Jamboree in West Virginia meeting and learned about Scouts from across the country. This past summer Tyler attended Philmont Scout Ranch in New Mexico where he was the Chaplains Aid for his Crew. During this capstone adventure, he was able to apply all the skills he learned throughout his time in Scouting. Tyler received the National Outdoor Award for camping accumulating over 120 nights camping. In addition, he has twice earned the Patriots Path Council Gold Service Award. For his Eagle project, Tyler worked with his Eagle coach and mentor, Tom Stearns, and worked with The Morris County Parks Commission where he constructed bird boxes for the American kestrel population of the Morris County Parks. The bird boxes were installed in parks across Morris County.

Tyler is currently a Senior at Delbarton School where he was the captain of the swim team, won the gold in the 200 Freestyle Relay at the Morris County Championships this year and earned all-conference recognition. Tyler was a part of the Golf team his junior year and was involved in a number of other activities. Outside of school and Scouting Tyler was an ocean lifeguard with the Beach Haven Beach Patrol for the past three summers, patrolling the beach and participating in lifeguard competitions for the Beach Haven Beach Patrol team. Over the past ten years, Tyler has been part of Games with Friends where he has been a peer leader for special needs children from kindergarten to 8th grade. Tyler enjoys camping, hiking, fishing, skiing, sports, and time with his family at the beach. He has gained an appreciation and love for the outdoors through Scouting. This fall Tyler will be attending the United States Military Academy at West Point, where he aspires to become an officer in the United States Army.

Tyler has earned 21 merit badges: Basketry, Camping*, Canoeing, Citizenship In Community*, Citizenship In Nation*, Citizenship In World*, Communication*, Cooking*, Environmental Science*, Family Life*, Fingerprinting, First Aid*, Kayaking, Lifesaving*, Personal Fitness*, Personal Management*, Rifle Shooting, Shotgun Shooting, Small Boat Sailing, Swimming*, and Wood Carving.

A reception was held afterward, both inside and outdoors, to congratulate them and their families.

Troop 173 was chartered by the Sedgefield Civic Association in 1957. Yet from the beginning, Troop 173 has included boys from all over Morris County in its programs. While most of our members come from the area of Parsippany from Lake Parsippany to Powder Mill and across the Township, we have had members as far away as Succasunna and Randolph.

Boy Scouts of America Troop 173 Eagle Scout Honor Roll includes Norman Schofield, Jr., Michael Gottschalk, James Searing,  Geoffrey Brown, John Chervenak, Guy Corbett, Tim Corbett, Robert Burney, Juan Correa, Richard Lauber, Tim Roche, Christopher Callahan, Thomas Cook, Stephan Pirylis, Brian Stewart, Patrick Roche, Edward Chiorazzi. Brian Pomarlen, Simon Healey, Keith Henderlong, David Chezem, Alex Lin, Robert Strechay, Jr., John Oleske, Daniel Strechay, Joseph Strechay, Kevin Smithers, Joseph Stevens, James Ward, Jason Viglione, Michael DeGuarde, Michael Smith, Tim Foster, Christopher Malcolm, Mark Viglione, Gary Hwang, William Barcliffe IV, Jonathan Cook, Daniel Aguanno, Anthony Valvano, Eric Kratz, David Kratz, Thomas Corigliano, David Kinskey-Lebeda, Ryan Diggle, Mike Fulton, Dan Fulton, Brian Galley, Shane Moravsik, Paul Rossnagel, Jesse Garbarino, Shay Grabinsky, Sean Galley, Matthew Breeman, Ryan Barwick, Dylan Grabinsky, John Stretavski, Brendan Barwick, Eric Galley, Bobby Ebel, Sean Michie, Michael Ludwig, Matthew Luther, Chris Gardner, Chris Worthington, Cameron Boone, Daniel Metcalf, Rishi Konkesa, Noah Munn, Erik Darling, Thomas Catapano, Daniel Corcoran, Colin Aguesseau, David Dodd III, Michael Gaudio, Galen Wu, Timothy Metcalf. David Albin, Ryan Porcelli, Jack Summa, Anthony Paterno, Chris Neumann, Alex Geddes, David Sinchi, Kyle Cipkins, Anli Liu, Joseph Messana, Evan Vojta, Matthew Sinchi, Sreemanth Meka, Dylan Franz, Jacob Kaplan. Ethan Geddes, Andrew Modin, Matthew Rankel, and Tyler Catapano.

Reprinted from Parsippany Focus Magazine, July 2022.

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